Self interview assignment question 1 of 10. Questions were submitted by my supporters through my blog and then approved by my therapist.
Question submitted by Author Unknown
Q: How did you see yourself before your assault, and how you see yourself now?
A: Before my assault I never really thought about how I see myself. I think I thought of myself like an average person who just wanted to go with the flow of life. I never really considered myself to be a pretty person or an ugly person. I do think I was a nice person and a fairly astute person.
After my assault much of my opinions of myself and others have changed. I am a far less trusting person of others and myself. I always think that there is some sort of motive behind people's actions even if they are nice or kind actions. I see myself as damaged and unworthy of happiness and wonder why anyone would want anything to do with me. Many times I am confused as to how someone can even bare the mental pain of even looking at me.
Some people think I am smart, wise for my years, attractive, insightful, brave, and inspirational, but I often think these people are nuts because I don't even come close to seeing myself in those ways. I see all the mistakes I made that night and how I was manipulated and I feel stupid and foolish. I hear people call me brave and I laugh on the inside because I know how messed up I am on the inside and I can't believe that people can't see the real me, the broken, tainted, and disgusting me that could never be an inspiration to anyone.
Sometimes, more often than not, I wake up literally hating myself. Sometimes the thought of my own perceived failures make me sick to my stomach. Many times I want to punish myself for my failures and for perceiving my life as a failure. I have punished myself before. Some people cut, but I punch or scratch myself. The scratches are always on a place that I can cover with clothes. Most of the time the bruises are hidden under clothes as well. Sometimes I have to use make up because I have hit myself in the face hard enough to swell and bruise.
Basically I see myself as highly messed up and to the point of no return. I still try to feel better but it isn't easy. I have lost most of my ambitions to become someone in life. The really funny part is I still have the same goals but the reasons behind the goals have changed. I now what to prove myself wrong and that I am not a failure, but I am secretly wanting to prove that I am a failure because I don't even realize that I am not a failure. I'm pretty sure there is some sort of psychological term for a self reinforcing delusion. Knowing that there is a term like that makes me see myself as a bigger failure because I fit the bill by merely writing this last paragraph.
I seem insane because one of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I try to heal and it doesn't work. I do this over and over and hope that one day there will be different results. That seems insane to me.
Here are a billion hugs for you, Jaime. ((((((((((Jaime)))))))))) X 1,000,000. I don't know if that works, but it's a lot nonetheless :)
ReplyDeleteI know this is so hard, but in time and with all the hard work you are doing, you will one day see the person I see in you. A person truly beautiful on the inside and out. You have been such a blessing in my life, and I cannot thank you enough for that.
You are going to rise so far above what happened to you it's not even funny.
You are not a failure. Let me repeat, YOU. ARE. NOT. A. FAILURE. Far, far from it.
Like I said in my email, you've been dealt a shitty SHITTY hand of cards this year, but you have also devoted yourself to the challenge of overcoming the pain and rediscovering yourself.
Just the act of deciding to initiate your healing journey is a victory in itself and should not be overlooked.
Will the path ahead be rough? Yes, absolutely.
But do you have what it takes to persevere? YES, ABSOLUTELY.
Jaime, you are loaded with some serious strength. Your strength is obvious to all of us who read your blog, and I know that you possess even more inner strength that you have not even begun to tap into. But you will.
You are so much stronger than what he did to you. He tried to break you, but HE failed and ended up in jail. He is the failure, not you.
He wanted you to think/feel that way because of his own thwrated desires, but I know that you are not broken, and I think somewhere deep within you, you know it, too. Understandably so, your mind has been overloaded and clouded with natural responses to such a traumatic event, but I believe that as you reestablish your sense of safety, the world around you and your life before you will not feel so overwhelming and empty.
Sorry for the long rant, but please know that I am thinking of you always and wishing only the best for you. ((((((Jaime))))))