Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Suggested Assignment By My Therapist (STEP 1)

My therapist loves to give me assignments where I self examine my own emotions, and to be honest I like them too. Don't misunderstand, I hate the flood of emotions and pain that can come from these assignments but I do really like how these assignments help me understand myself. Here is the assignment, it is similar to the self interview I posted a couple of months ago but with one major difference. In that self interview my therapist was the one who gave me the questions, but in this interview the regular readers of my blog are the ones who get to ask the questions. Here is how it is suppose to work. Each person who reads this and has a question they would like to ask me, all they need to do is ask it in a comment bellow this post. As the questions come in I email them to my therapist and she approves them. I'm not 100% sure why, but she wants to approve them before I answer them. Once 10 approved questions has been asked I will answer these questions in a new post.

Here are the rules: (per my therapist)

People can ask more than one question, but as much as possible take turns asking them so that the questions are being asked by more than one person. Preferable 10 questions by 10 people but realistically I am hoping for about 2 by each person since I only have about 5 regulars on my blog.

The questions can be about anything as long as they aren't solely meant to satisfy some sort of morbid curiosity.

The questions should be personal in nature so that they force me to self examine.

I am given one and only pass on any of the 10 questions that are approved.

Once 10 questions are approved I have up to 1 month to answer them.

As a each question is asked I will email that question to my therapist and she will approve it or reject it. I will let each person know if there question was approved.

Let the questioning commence, and remember, the quicker I get the questions the quicker I can get them approved and begin them.


  1. How often are you hitting the bottle? I read you've been drinking to try and sleep. Did you drink before this happened?

  2. My question has 2 parts:

    What I would like to know is how you saw yourself before "everything", and how you see yourself now?

    How do you think others saw you before "everything", and how do you think they see you now?

  3. That's a simple question that I will just go ahead and answer here instead of running it past my therapist.

    I have only drank 3 times and all three times were after the assault. One of the times I tried to kill myself and the other two times it was just a means to help me sleep.

  4. Good questions. The first question I sort of hit on with this post.

    I will email these to my therapist and make sure she approves them. I imagine she will. I will let you know if she approved it.

    Thank you.

  5. *has to poke fun at 'unknown author' for asking someting we are all thinking*...

    Did it really help you sleep? or was it just a case of passing out? are you.. not planning.. but do you think you may use booze as a means of self medicating(right word???) again?

    my other question, how does the relationship with your family (father, sister, nanna) feel now, then before this happened? do you think your reaction if this had not happend be different to what it is now?

    surely that must be the majority of my share of questions used up already... blah.. theres more, but i cannot find the words to ask them in the right manner at the moment...

    you're incrediably strong, amazing, beautiful, wise for your age.. if anyone can get through this its you.. blah blah blah blah blah i talk tooooooooooooo much... sorry doll

  6. It helps me sleep. Out of the three times I have drank, I passed out only once. That also happens to be the time I got caught, which I was grounded for.

    "how does the relationship with your family (father, sister, nanna) feel now, then before this happened? do you think your reaction if this had not happend be different to what it is now?"

    Do you mean would my reaction have been different if it happened to someone other than me?

  7. My therapist approved these questions. I will ad them to the list.

  8. This is a really good exercise. Thanks for letting us be involved in your therapy :)

    I feel like I have so many questions, but I'm having trouble prioritizing them...let's see...

    Question #1: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

  9. Glad to have you involved. I will email that question to her. I imagine she will be okay with it.

  10. I'm trying to decide on my second one. As soon as I do, I'll leave it here. xx

  11. You have experienced the worst possible aspect of the hetereosexual dynamic (that is, sexual interaction between men and women) that is possible to experience.

    In light of all this, have you given up completely on the idea of ever being sexual (like your friend JuliaC)? And if not, why not?

  12. Oh, wow, that's a good question. I will think about that question. I'm going to submit it to my therapist.

    I am going to edit out the name of my group therapy member that you mentioned in your comment. For one I really have little idea what her stance is and she doesn't post on this blog. I don't feel right having her name mentioned in such a personal way. I hope you understand.

  13. Hi Jaime,
    I've got a few more (over the limit of 2 per person, so please pick and choose).

    Q: Since your assault, what has been the most meaningful/helpful thing that someone has said to you?

    Q: What is something you have longed to hear someone else say to you since your assault but that you haven't heard yet?

    Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where you would you go and why? This is a question from my husband (he is in town visiting); he does not read your blog but knows about you through your correspondence on my blog. I hope you don't mind that I submitted a question from him.

    Good luck with this assignment. It's a really cool idea. I hope that it helps. I am looking forward to reading your answers because I am sure they will be very reflective.


  14. Hi Jaime longtime no see. It's lonely at the grocery store without my little buddy. I hope your new job works out for you. I have a question I hope you don't mind me asking one.

    How has this whole tragedy affected your trust in men and do you think that you will be able to learn to trust enough to let people back in?

    That's my question. Dont feel like you have to answer it if you are uncomfortable.

  15. Hi Jaime longtime no see. It's lonely at the grocery store without my little buddy. I hope your new job works out for you. I have a question I hope you don't mind me asking one.

    How has this whole tragedy affected your trust in men and do you think that you will be able to learn to trust enough to let people back in?

    That's my question. Dont feel like you have to answer it if you are uncomfortable.

  16. Brad, you can always come visit me.

    That's a good question. I do want to make sure I understand it correctly.

    "How has this whole tragedy affected your trust in men and do you think that you will be able to learn to trust enough to let people back in?"

    Do you mean as far as, "...let people back in?" Asking if I am willing to trust enough to date again?

    I have reworded your question to make sure I understand it.

    How has this whole tragedy affected your trust in men and do you think you will be able to trust men enough to date again?

    If that question accurately represents what you are asking let me know.

  17. Thats what I am asking. Again I hope it is okay that I asked a question.

  18. wow i love this assignment and some of the questions are awesome. but you are so brave i dont know if i would be brave enough to do this, i would like to be but it would take like all my courage which only just covers my day to day activities. pretty busy with my new course right now but il try think of some good questions.

    hope ur doing ok j

  19. What an interesting assignment. Glad you were able to get the ten. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

  20. Yeah, it didn't take long to get ten. Thank you.

  21. You are stronger than you think you are and you can accomplish more than you think you can.

    I already have all the questions I need, and to be honest, I can't handle anymore. These are going to be some tough questions.

    I am doing okay for the most part.

  22. Hi Jaime, I was just popping by to say "hello" and to see if you had posted the 10 questions. Are the questions the ones mentioned below, or are there any additional questions that were added to the list? Btw, love your festive St. Patty's day box! (((Jaime)))

  23. Here is the final questions. I have just begun to answer them.

    Question submitted by Author Unknown
    Q: How did you see yourself before your assault, and how you see yourself now?

    Question submitted by Author Unknown
    How do you think others saw you before your assault, and how do you think they see you now?

    Question submitted by Wabs
    how does the relationship with your family (father, sister, nanna) feel now, then before this happened? do you think your reaction if this had not happened be different to what it is now?

    Question submitted by an anonymous poster.
    In light of all this, have you given up completely on the idea of ever having a sexual relationship? And if not, why not?

    Question Submitted by M.M.
    Where do you see yourself in 10 years.

    Question Submitted by M.M.
    Since your assault, what has been the most meaningful/helpful thing that someone has said to you?

    Question Submitted by M.M.
    What is something you have longed to hear someone else say to you since your assault but that you haven't heard yet?

    Question Submitted by M.M.'s husband.
    If you could travel anywhere in the world, where you would you go and why? This is a question from my husband (he is in town visiting); he does not read your blog but knows about you through your correspondence on my blog. I hope you don't mind that I submitted a question from him.

    Question Submitted by misfitspartan.
    In what ways has your attack strengthened or bettered you and your life?

    Question Submitted By BradDavisDude.
    How has this whole tragedy affected your trust in men and do you think you will be able to trust men enough to date again

  24. A great list - I'm sure that you will learn a lot about yourself in answering them. Good luck with the responses; I know these types of exercises can be tough, so please be gentle with yourself (or take it out on your instructor in your self-defense course! :) ). (((((Jaime)))))


Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.
- Oscar Wilde quotes