I have recently read a post on a support forum in regards to the way someone is dressed as being a temptation to potential sexual assailants. One side of the argument proclaims that wearing very conservative clothing reduces the risk of being sexually assaulted. Another side proclaims that the clothing doesn't affect our chances of being assaulted. I have been thinking about this and I wonder if it makes a difference, but sort of from a different angle. First I will try and explain what I THINK a potential sexual assailant thinks when looking at a flirtatiously dressed girl/person and a conservatively dressed girl/person.
Flirtatiously Dressed:
I think when a potential sexual assailant sees someone who is flirtatiously dressed they see someone who is "pickup smart". Meaning, she has heard all the tricks, manipulation tactics, and lines that exists. As a result she's not as likely to be taken advantage of in an emotional sense. Also I think because society teaches us that the flirtatiously dressed girl is more likely to VOLUNTARILY put out that she won't be a challenge and if there's no challenge there's no rewarding gratification.
Conservatively Dressed:
I think when a potential sexual assailant sees someone who is conservatively dressed they see someone who has never "been kissed". Meaning that they are a little innocent in their knowledge of pickup tactics, thus naive and unaware that they are being manipulated. Also the conservatively dressed girl gives off this ambiance that they are ideal from a purity standpoint. They have the reputation of being untouched and maybe even a goody two shoes.
A sexual assault is seldom about sex, it's about control and power. The assailant would be more gratified by the manipulation of an innocent and the conservatively dressed girl is associated with innocence. Also what would give a power seeking sick-O a greater since of power? (1) Taking something from a girl that he perceives has already been given many times(sex). - OR - (2) Taking from a girl what he perceives to be so precious and valuable to her that she wants to be very selective as to who she shares it with. I think #2 is the most gratifying scenario to an assailant.
There's another side to this. 55%-61% of rapes are premeditated (pre-planed), 22%-24% are rapes of opportunity (date rapes), and 15%-22% are impulsive (stranger rapes). So yes I would say that dressing flirtatiously MAY eliminate part of the risk associated to the POWER seeking premeditated 55%-61%, but it will likely increase the risk from the impulsive 15%-22% and maybe also increase the risk from the opportunistic 22%-24%. Power and gratification through manipulation is a premeditated act, but sexual gratification is mostly an impulse and an opportunistic act.
I could be way off on this because I haven't really researched it. I personally feel that a premeditated rape has the potential to be less deadly because the assailant has generally pre-planned their escape and how to limit physical evidence. The impulsive and opportunistic assailant didn't plan anything, they act on a seconds impulse and after they have finished their next impulse could be to eliminate the only witness because the assailant suddenly realizes that they have left all sorts of forensic evidence and a witness.
Although the chance of being assaulted might slightly decrease if you dress flirtatiously as opposed to conservative, the chance of death as a result of murder to eliminate the only witness might increase. So I don't know if it is a fair or safe tradeoff of potential risks. Especially when 55% -61% of rapes are premeditated and when premeditation is taken into account the likelihood of the assault being sexual in nature instead of controlling is decreased.
Just to let everyone know this article is just my opinion and is based off of very little research. The only facts are the percentages and that regardless of how a person is dressed it doesn't define the person, and limit their rights to not be assaulted. We all have an equal right to be safe.
Source For Percentages:
Hmmm...very interesting ideas you raise here.
ReplyDeleteI think it could depend on the rapist and what he (I write "he" just because I'm female, but I'm aware that there are "she" rapists, too) is hoping to accomplish with the particular rape.
I also think the environment in which the victim is in could play a role in how much her clothing correlates to likelihood of rape (e.g., sleazy sick-O at a bar on the prowl for intoxicated woman to "escort home" might target the sexily dressed female over the conservatively-dressed one thinking it will be easier to pass it off as she wanted it should a legal proceeding ever result).
But, when it comes down to it, the bitter cynic in me thinks "you're damned if you do, damned if you don't." I think other issues affect our likelihood of rape much more than clothing (e.g., whether we are alone, drunk, have our guard down for other reasons, etc.). And I think there are plenty of rapists who view all women as objects and who plan their "conquests" based on only one criteria - they get to exert their control over another. Ew.
I agree, far more than the way someone dresses affects the likelihood of someone being raped. I honestly think "chance", rather it be where you are or who you are around has far more to do with it than appearance.